Wednesday 30 September 2015


Hello all,

             This blog is specially written for all the unemployed graduates.. First of all let me tell you one thing, if you have completed your education and still jobless, you are among the 80 percent graduates who did not get a job.

And if you are an Engineer, you are in the 76 percent engineers who are unemployed..

You must have applied to several companies and given many interviews.. But what's the result??
Positions available are 50 and applications are 20K. Only the best of the best get placed.

Even if you get placed in a small scale company, theres no growth. At one point in life people feel that they are not growing, both financialy and positionwise. 

I dont want to demotivate you, but want you to face the reality.

This platform is created to guide all the unemployed engineers to achieve something in life.
We together will help ourselves and our fellow friends.

Here, many ideas will be shared regarding online works to earn money, entrepreneurship and everything else that can be done to fight unemployment.

If you have any innovative idea that can add value in the lives of people, you can share it with us. and we will surely help you in implementing it.

Details regarding Entrepreneurship are shared in the blog below.

A guide to entrepreneurship

contact me if you want any help.
please dont lose hope, one day you will shine..

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